Centre for South Asian Studies

Professor Deborah Fry

Job Title

Director of Data, Childlight - Global Child Safety Institute / Personal Chair, International Child Protection Research


Room number

SJ 3.06

Building (Address)

Moray House School of Education and Sport

Street (Address)

University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)

City (Address)


Country (Address)


Post code (Address)



Professor Fry undertakes primary research to measure the magnitude, drivers and consequences of violence against children, barriers and enablers to appropriate prevention and response systems including in school settings and the effectiveness of existing interventions.

She leads the data division at Childlight - Global Child Safety Institute. The Data Institute, funded by the Human Dignity Foundation, aims to take a data driven, evidence-based approach to understanding the prevalence of child sexual exploitation and abuse across the globe and translating that data into sustainable action that safeguards children.   The mission is to establish a world leading independent institute that gathers, translates and visualises the prevalence of child sexual exploitation and abuse across the world.

The institute is supported by the University of Edinburgh’s scientific expertise, including the End Violence Lab which Professor Fry co-founded, the Moray House School of Education, Edinburgh Futures Institute, the Data-Driven Innovation Programme and the Global Health Academy.

From 2019 to present, Professor Fry serves as the academic lead for the University of Edinburgh for a Long-Term Agreement with UNICEF on child protection research, administrative data and training. Professor Fry leads studies commissioned by UNICEF offices globally on understanding the nature and drivers of violence against children and using this data for evidence-based programming and policy changes and recommendations.